On any Amazon product page, the vast majority of links to other products are sponsored ads - meaning that if you're not advertising on Amazon, you're not visible on Amazon.
But Amazon ads are difficult to figure out - and while they can bring you a lot of sales if done properly, they can be money pit if not used correctly. This 3-part class (including a private one-on-one session to go over your ads) will bring you to the next level of understanding how to use, control and benefit from Amazon ads to help you dramatically increase sales.
This course is for any author interested in increasing their sales on Amazon through their ad platform, or who has tried using Amazon ads but has not found success with them.
Please note that to benefit from this course, you should be selling on an Amazon platform that allows ad access - Vendor Central, Advantage or KDP. Authors selling through Seller Central should not take this course.
This is an intensive, 4-part course is created to help you vastly improve your knowledge and command of Amazon ads:
Whatever your skill level, you're going to start seeing Amazon Ads from a different perspective. During this first hour, we will:
- Break down the dashboard to understand the metrics
- Understand which metrics you can ignore and which you need to watch to improve your ads over time
- Take a deep dive into all of the different types of ads you can run
- Break down the math so you can see how much you're really making - and how you can use this info to make more
Setting up your Amazon sales page: Using the right images and descriptions to make the sale
- Making the most of your A+ content: increasing keywords and piquing curiosity
- Driving external traffic: How it can help or hurt your ad results and sales
- Your Amazon store: How to build it for maximum benefit
- Creating multiple keyowrd lists that really work
This first class will give you the foundation you need to start building better and more effective campaigns that can grow profitably over a long period of time.
Let's get your ads up and running! In this hour long class, we'll do the following:
- Organize our ads by creating portfolios
- Choose the best types of campaigns for your goals
- Launch different types of ads for your titles
- Learn how to manage yours ads on a day-to-day and week-to-week basis to continuously improve results
- Learn when to launch new ads, and which types of ads best to run at different times
- Discover strategies for using past results to create more effective future campaigns
- Troubleshooting: fixing campaigns that are under-performing
By the end of this class, you'll be able to confidently launch and manage your campaigns and be on a path toward higher sales.
We'll spend the hour going over your personal Amazon ad account. Together, we will:
- Determine which ads you may have that are working
- Figure out which ads aren't working
- Organize your portfolios
- Launch new campaigns and set new benchmarks for success
- Create a list of things you should do in the immediate future to improve your campaigns
- Go over any specific questions or issues that you have regarding your advertisign efforts
This won't be as much of a formal "class" as it will be a hands-on session in whihc we work together to fix, change or otherwise build your Amazon ad strategy to start getting more books sold.
Additional one-on-one sessions, if desired, can be reserved at a rate of $250/hour
This class will include ample time for Q&A after each class.
Attendance for this class will be strictly limited to 15 attendees.
Jay Miletsky is the best-selling indie author of popular titles including Ricky, the Rock that Couldn't Roll, Patrick Picklebottom and the Penny Book, The Great Letter Rebellion and others. He has sold nearly 1,000,000 total units across his library of 12 titles, with a number of his books featured on shelves of national retailers such as BN, Target and more.
Jay is also the owner of the IAPC, which facilitates the printing of books in China and shipping them back to the U.S. along with providing warehousing and 3PL services. He is also part-owner of TOC Productions, where he runs numerous publishing-based webinars and helps organize numerous publishing summits throughout the year.
Class One: Sunday, Jan 19, 9:00PM EST - 10:00PM EST + Q&A
Class Two: Tuesday, Jan 21, 9:00PM EST - 10:00PM EST + Q&A
Class Three: Scheduled separately with each attendee (one hour)