Best Seller
Toronto Mini-Summit: Welcome Event

FRIDAY, OCT 18, 7:00AM - 9:00PM 

Getting to Toronto on Friday? Join us for the official Welcome event to get things kicked off between 7:00pm - 9:00pm: 


  • Live "Ask An Indie Author Anything" Session with a Highly Successful Indie Author: Jay Miletsky will share his  publishing journey and take your questions (anything you want to ask is fair game!) in a laid-back, energetic and spontaneous Q&A session that's bound to raise some eyebrows and kick off the weekend right! 


  • High-Profile Networking with Authors and Presenters: Mingle for a couple of hours and get to know your fellow authors - share your book projects, talk about your goals, collaborate on ideas, or just share some laughs. Many of our event speakers will be there as well, giving you unprecedented access to them before they make their Summit presentation. Great networking opportunity!  


  • First Drink is On Us, Along with a Selection of Apps: The first drink is on the house! Enjoy a glass of beer or wine as our special "Welcome" to the Summit, along with a selection of delicious appetizers. Plus, we'll enjoy it all in a private room reserved just for Summit attendees. 


    The Welcome Event is always a lively way to learn and get the weekend started. But please sign up early - due to space issues, we're limiting the number or attendees to the first 25 people who sign up. 

    Please note: to join the Welcome Event, you must also sign up for the Main Events as well. Due to expected demand, we cannot allow people to attend the Welcome Event who are not also attending the main Summit as well. 

    General Admission